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Unveiling the mystery: Is the pregnancy glow really real?

The Science Behind the Glow: Is it Fact or Fiction? Well, as they say, the "proof of the pudding is in the eating." The pregnancy glow, despite its somewhat mystical connotation, has basis in science. But remember, everyone's body responds differently to pregnancy, and not every person may experience this so-called glow.

February 12, 2024

The physiological basis behind the glow

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes a plethora of changes. Among these modifications is an increase in blood volume, up by as much as 50%. This surge leads to greater blood flow underneath the facial skin, which may result in a noticeably brighter or glowing complexion. 

Apart from this, there's also a rise in the hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotropin(HCG), that is believed to contribute to the pregnancy glow.

The glow is not a universal affair

However, the pregnancy glow doesn't come calling to everyone. Many women experience more skin related challenges such as acne and pigmentation due to hormonal shifts. Some might notice no significant changes at all. The spectrum of pregnancy skin experiences is indeed wide and varied.

In conclusion, the pregnancy glow is factual and science-backed, but indeed not universal. Some will have it, others will not, and that's perfectly normal. It’s important to remember that every pregnancy journey is unique.

Exploring the Biological Changes That Give Rise to the Glow

Let's delve deeper into the biological and hormonal changes at play during pregnancy that could account for the "glow." By understanding these shifts, we can take a scientific approach to determining the validity of the glow theory.

Increased Blood Circulation

An essential factor to consider is the augmented blood circulation happening during pregnancy. To nourish both the mother and developing baby, the body increases its blood volume by nearly 50%. This spike results in a noticeable flushing and fullness of your facial skin, which is often perceived as a distinct brightness or 'glow'.

Elevated Hormonal Levels

Next up, we have hormones. Pregnancy is renowned for its hormonal rollercoaster - and these hormonal fluctuations can also play a significant part in your skin's appearance. Specifically, elevated levels of hormones like HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and progesterone can result in your skin secreting more oil. This increased oiliness can give your skin a glossy finish, which some may regard as a type of glow.

Enhanced Metabolism

Let's not forget the metabolic boost that being pregnant brings. This surge in metabolism results in an increase in body heat, which can lead to a radiant warmth in your skin, adding to the glow you may experience during pregnancy.

The "Emotional Glow"

Finally, beyond just the physical, it's essential to acknowledge the role of emotions. The joy, anticipation, and excitement of expecting a new baby can reflect in your overall appearance and demeanor, contributing to what many refer to as the 'emotional glow.' This is not scientifically quantifiable but is very much real to the mothers-to-be and those around them.

In essence, while the pregnancy 'glow' may not be experienced uniformly by all women or observed objectively in a lab, it's clear that a complex mix of biological and emotional changes during pregnancy can indeed result in a radiant, glowing appearance. The 'glow' is firmly grounded in physical realities, suggesting that it's much more than just a myth!

Understanding the Changes in Skin Tone and Texture

When you're looking at that radiant mirror reflection, what exactly is happening to your skin? Is there a tangible shift that warrants the glow, and if so, what triggers it? Understanding these changes necessitates an exploration into the various ways that pregnancy influences skin tone and texture.

Increased Oil Production

Firstly, those heightened hormone levels we talked about earlier? They're also responsible for increased sebum production. Sebum is the oil produced by your skin's sebaceous glands, and its overproduction can result in a shiny or glazed appearance – part of what we consider as the pregnancy 'glow.' Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to increased oil production in the skin.


During pregnancy, there's also an increase in the levels of melanin – a pigment that gives color to your skin, hair and eyes. This can result in patches of darker skin, a condition known as melasma or 'the mask of pregnancy.' While often seen as a concern, this hyperpigmentation can enhance the contrast of your facial features, contributing to the perceived radiance.

Enhanced Collagen Production

Additionally, the body increases collagen production during pregnancy to accommodate the growing fetus and prepare for childbirth. This boost in collagen can make skin more elastic and youthful, which may also contribute to the 'glowing' skin effect.


The increased blood circulation, as noted previously, also becomes noticeable in the skin as it can cause a warm, flushed appearance – another piece of the glow puzzle. Plus, increased blood flow can help to carry nutrients and oxygen to the skin, supporting overall skin health and radiance.

In a nutshell, there's a symphony of changes that come together to produce what we know as the 'glow.' Each woman's experience is unique, and the resulting changes in skin tone and texture will vary from person to person. But whether you can see it in the mirror or not, rest assured that beneath the surface, your body is working wonders. And that, dear reader, is a glow in its own right.

The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Achieving the Pregnancy Glow

You can't underestimate the influence of a well-rounded diet and adequate nutrition when it comes to a healthy pregnancy glow. Let us delve into this topic in more detail, exploring the key nutrients that are particularly influential for that coveted shine.

Key Nutritional Elements and Their Role

There are several key nutritional elements that can contribute to a healthy complexion during pregnancy:

  1. Vitamins: Vitamins like A, C, and E aid in repairing body tissues, producing collagen, and offering skin protection. They contribute to reducing fine lines, boosting skin elasticity, and promoting a youthful appearance.
  2. Protein: Amino acids present in protein-based food items help in cell repair and regeneration. It can lead to smoother and healthier-looking skin.
  3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats, usually found in fish and flaxseeds, can contribute to radiant skin by helping to retain moisture and reduce inflammation.
  4. Water: Adequate hydration can boost skin plumpness, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and lend a natural glow to your skin

Tips for an Optimal Pregnancy Diet

Here are some tips for you to consider when planning for an optimal pregnancy diet:

  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables: They are packed with powerful antioxidants and vital nutrients that can contribute to your overall health and wellbeing, along with your skin health.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help your skin stay refreshed and radiant.
  • Consume healthy fats: Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, help nourish the skin from within.
  • Maintain a high-protein diet: Foods like lean meat, poultry, and beans offer quality protein that aids in the regeneration and repair of skin cells.
  • Minimize sugar and processed foods: They can lead to inflammation and breakouts, negatively affecting your pregnancy glow.

Remember, the idea is not just to eat for two, but to eat right for two. Coupling a balanced diet with adequate rest and regular exercise can do wonders in maintaining the pregnancy glow.

If you’re trying to conceive (TTC), you probably know that there are certain foods and nutrients that become especially important once you’re pregnant. But nutrition plays a vital role even when trying to conceive, much like laying a strong foundation before constructing a house.

Certain nutrients create that foundation by supporting egg and sperm health (yes, nutrition matters for both partners), hormone balance and creating a hospitable environment for a fertilized egg to implant. In fact, studies show that certain nutrients can help increase fertility and improve success rates for both natural conception and fertility treatments.

In other words, nutrition is a key player in the TTC journey, but getting the right nutrients in the right quantities can be tricky. That’s where supplements come in. Just as you’d take a multivitamin to fill in nutritional gaps for optimal health, fertility supplements can give you that extra nutrient boost.

Choosing supplements for your fertility journey

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.

Photobook: Luthier. Beeches Lane by &Something

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.