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Preparing for Motherhood: 6 transformative mindset shifts

Transitioning into motherhood is a profound journey that reshapes a woman’s identity, perspectives, and daily life. This significant life change is not merely about the physical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth but also about the deep emotional and psychological shifts that occur. Here are seven essential mindset shifts that can help mothers navigate this transformative period with confidence and grace.

Claudia Dumond
July 19, 2024

1. Finding Newfound Purpose

Before motherhood, priorities might be centered around personal and professional goals. And while these should continue to be important, what tends to be experienced is a profound sense of newfound purpose. The real why behind a mother's actions becomes all too apparent and can sometimes do a complete 180. Understanding your why, the vision you have for yourself, and being clear about this will help new mothers navigate the change.

Exercise: Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your motivations and goals. Write down your personal "why" and revisit it whenever you feel overwhelmed or lost.

2. Embracing 'Good Enough' Over Perfection

In a world that often emphasises perfection, motherhood teaches the invaluable lesson of embracing "good enough." The pressure to be the perfect parent can be overwhelming, but striving for perfection can lead to unnecessary stress and unrealistic expectations. Instead, understanding that being a "good enough" mother is not only acceptable but also healthy can be liberating. This mindset allows mothers to focus on what truly matters – the love, care, and presence they provide. Children thrive on love and connection, not perfection, and recognising this can help mothers navigate their journey with more confidence and peace.

Exercise: Keep a journal where you list three things you did well each day, no matter how small. This practice will help you focus on your strengths rather than perceived shortcomings.

3. Releasing the Need for Control

Motherhood quickly teaches that control is an illusion. From unpredictable sleep patterns to sudden illnesses, a mother’s plans often need to be flexible. Releasing control means embracing the unpredictability of life with a baby and learning to adapt. This shift fosters resilience and teaches mothers to find stability in the midst of chaos. Accepting that not everything can be planned or controlled allows for a more relaxed and responsive approach to parenting.

Exercise: Practice mindfulness or meditation to help manage stress and cultivate a flexible mindset. Focus on being present in the moment rather than worrying about future uncertainties.

4. Cultivating Curiosity

Change is inevitable in motherhood, and embracing curiosity can be a powerful tool. Getting curious about oneself and the baby can transform challenges into opportunities for learning and growth. Curiosity fosters a mindset of continuous learning, making the journey of motherhood an adventure rather than a series of obstacles. Motherhood often acts as a mirror, reflecting a mother’s strengths and flaws. It’s a journey of self-discovery where personal limitations and virtues become more apparent. This reflection can be challenging but also offers an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Embracing this aspect of motherhood with humility and openness can lead to profound personal development and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Exercise: Dedicate time each week to learning something new about your baby and yourself. Observe your baby's behaviours and reflect on your reactions to them. Keep a journal of these observations and insights.

5. Engaging in Positive Energy

Motherhood will test patience and endurance, making it crucial to find ways to engage in positive energy. Practices like gratitude journaling can help mothers focus on the positive aspects of their daily experiences. Reflecting on small victories, joyful moments, and the love shared with their child can uplift spirits and provide motivation. Cultivating a positive mindset helps in navigating the ups and downs of motherhood with grace and resilience.

Exercise: Start a gratitude journal and write down three things you are grateful for each day. This practice can help shift your focus from challenges to positive experiences.

6. Finding Joy in the Small Things

Motherhood simplifies life, bringing focus to its most basic yet profoundly important aspects. As you transition into this new phase, fostering a mindset that finds joy in the small things becomes essential. The simple acts of watching your baby explore the world, feeling the warmth of a hug, or hearing a baby’s laughter can bring immense joy and fulfilment. These moments, often overlooked, remind you of what truly matters. Whether it’s your morning coffee or a beautiful sunset, you can start cultivating this mindset even before the baby arrives which can ease the transition into motherhood, allowing you to embrace and cherish the richness of everyday experiences with a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

Exercise: Take a moment each day to savour a small, joyful experience with your baby or by yourself. Whether it's a quiet cuddle, a playful interaction, or a peaceful moment alone, fully immerse yourself in the moment and appreciate its simplicity.

The mindset transition that accompanies motherhood is an extraordinary journey of growth, resilience, and transformation.

It’s a path that requires adapting to new responsibilities, embracing a new identity, and finding strength in the face of challenges. As mothers navigate this journey, they discover the profound depth of their capabilities and the immeasurable joy that comes with nurturing a new life.

Using the nine months of pregnancy to foster these shifting mindsets can help lay the groundwork and strong foundations for new mothers to go into motherhood with eyes wide open. By preparing for Motherhood with these 6 transformative mindset shifts during pregnancy, mothers can create a supportive and resilient framework that will help them thrive in their new role.

If you’re trying to conceive (TTC), you probably know that there are certain foods and nutrients that become especially important once you’re pregnant. But nutrition plays a vital role even when trying to conceive, much like laying a strong foundation before constructing a house.

Certain nutrients create that foundation by supporting egg and sperm health (yes, nutrition matters for both partners), hormone balance and creating a hospitable environment for a fertilized egg to implant. In fact, studies show that certain nutrients can help increase fertility and improve success rates for both natural conception and fertility treatments.

In other words, nutrition is a key player in the TTC journey, but getting the right nutrients in the right quantities can be tricky. That’s where supplements come in. Just as you’d take a multivitamin to fill in nutritional gaps for optimal health, fertility supplements can give you that extra nutrient boost.

Choosing supplements for your fertility journey

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.

Photobook: Luthier. Beeches Lane by &Something

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.

Claudia Dumond

Holistic Health Coach & Founder of Minimondo (