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5 natural ways to prepare for labour

The fourth trimester is usually all about waiting. Your baby fully developed and is putting on weight in preparation for birth. Friends and family often advise you to just put your feet up and relax, but there are some things that you can naturally do to prepare to meet your baby. The team at HotTea Mama give us their top 5 tips.

HotTea Mama
July 25, 2024

Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry leaf has been used for millennia to support women at the end of their pregnancy.  It contains an active compound called fragerine, which has been shown in studies to make pregnant uterus muscles contract. This is why it is believed to prepare uterine muscles to contract and make each contraction more effective once you're in the second stage of labour.  Studies have shown that women who take it from 32 weeks pregnancy statistically have a shorter second stage of labour (where you are pushing).   Whilst it's no guarantee, it's worth a shot, and our award-winning Final Push tea is the most delicious way to drink it!

Perineal Massage

Perineal massage is a way of helping to prepare the perineum for birth, by making it more flexible so it can stretch more easily during labour. Massaging the perineum reduces the chances of a tear or an episiotomy during labour. 

Some women massage their perineum themselves, while others prefer to get their partner to help. My Expert Midwife has great step by step instructions to help you to navigate the process, and you can start from 35 weeks of pregnancy.


It's important to prepare your mind and not just your body before you have your baby.  Hypnobirthing is a brilliant approach to birth, encompassing mindfulness techniques, positive affirmation, breathing and also thought processes to help you deal with any issues that may crop up along the road.  One of our favourite hypnobirthing courses is Birth Box by Pop That Mumma.


Dates have been shown in research to slightly shorten the first stage of labour. Which is why they are the perfect pairing with a cup of raspberry leaf tea.  Studies have shown that pregnant women who ate 6 dates a day for 4 weeks before their due date had a shorter first stage of labour, and their cervix was softer before delivery.

Eating dates while managing a gestational diabetes diet can be tricky, whether you tolerate them depends on your sensitivity to carbohydrates. 

If, during your gestational diabetes diet journey, you found that you were incredibly sensitive to refined (low fibre) carbohydrates like fruit, and cereals, it may be a little more complicated. If you can tolerate those foods as long as you eat protein or healthy fat with them, it may be a little easier to eat dates.

Pelvic Positioning 

You can help your baby get into the optimal position for birth in the movements that you do in the build up to labour. Gently bouncing on a yoga ball or kerb walking can help open your pelvis and encourage your baby's head to engage. 

Spending time kneeling upright, sitting upright, or on your hands and knees are all also great ways to do this. 

If you’re trying to conceive (TTC), you probably know that there are certain foods and nutrients that become especially important once you’re pregnant. But nutrition plays a vital role even when trying to conceive, much like laying a strong foundation before constructing a house.

Certain nutrients create that foundation by supporting egg and sperm health (yes, nutrition matters for both partners), hormone balance and creating a hospitable environment for a fertilized egg to implant. In fact, studies show that certain nutrients can help increase fertility and improve success rates for both natural conception and fertility treatments.

In other words, nutrition is a key player in the TTC journey, but getting the right nutrients in the right quantities can be tricky. That’s where supplements come in. Just as you’d take a multivitamin to fill in nutritional gaps for optimal health, fertility supplements can give you that extra nutrient boost.

Choosing supplements for your fertility journey

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.

Photobook: Luthier. Beeches Lane by &Something

When choosing a supplement to support your fertility journey, look for science-backed, high-quality ingredients. Our editors are careful to select and partner with brands that use ingredients that have been clinically studied to support fertility. Eu Natural® (pronounced you) covers all those bases and more. We love knowing that Eu Natural® products contain zero artificial additives, binders, or fillers and are lab-tested to ensure purity and potency.

HotTea Mama

HotTea Mama is an award-winning tea company, making teas to support better periods, pregnancy, motherhood and menopause Each cup is a hug in a mug, specially created using tea science, to support you when you need it most. So from gut health and hormonal balance, to breastfeeding and hot flushes - there's a tea that's got your back.